Teresa Fitzpatrick
Labs 1047 - 1057
+41 22 379 30 16
Vitamins & Environmental Stress Responses in Plants
Research Interests
Our research focuses on plant metabolism, in particular the biochemistry and physiology behind vitamin biosynthesis and degradation and how these processes interact with other aspects of general primary plant metabolism. We also address aspects of stress physiology and how alteration of vitamin metabolism affects the response to abiotic stress responses. We use bacteria, yeast and the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana and a range of multi-disciplinary biological and chemical techniques as part of our research programme.
Key publications
Robinson G.C., Kaufmann M., Roux C. & Fitzpatrick T.B.:
Structural definition of the lysine swing in Arabidopsis thaliana PDX1: Intermediate channeling facilitating vitamin B6 biosynthesis.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2016, 113(40):E5821-E5829. PMID: 27647886.
Colinas M., Eisenhut M., Tohge T., Pesquera M., Fernie A.R., Weber A.P. & Fitzpatrick T.B.:
Balancing of B6 Vitamers Is Essential for Plant Development and Metabolism in Arabidopsis.
Plant Cell 2016, 28(2):439-53. PMID: 26858304.
Li K.T., Moulin M., Mangel N., Albersen M., Verhoeven-Duif N.M., Ma Q., Zhang P., Fitzpatrick T.B., Gruissem W. & Vanderschuren H.:
Increased bioavailable vitamin B6 in field-grown transgenic cassava for dietary sufficiency.
Nat Biotechnol 2015, 33(10):1029-32. PMID: 26448082.
Further reading
Van Der Straeten D., Fitzpatrick T.B. & De Steur H.:
Editorial overview: Biofortification of crops: achievements, future challenges, socio-economic, health and ethical aspects.
Curr Opin Biotechnol 2017, 44:vii-x. PMID: 28342725.
Colinas M. & Fitzpatrick T.B.:
Natures balancing act:
examining biosynthesis de novo, recycling and processing damaged vitamin B metabolites.
Curr Opin Plant Biol 2015, 25:98-106. PMID: 26005929.
Fitzpatrick T.B. & Thore S.:
Complex behavior: from cannibalism to suicide in the vitamin B1 biosynthesis world.
Curr Opin Struct Biol 2014, 29:34-43. PMID: 25260119.